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Yew View Daylight Badgers

As the days have got longer, it has been great to see the badgers in the artificial sett starting to come out in daylight. We think they are using this sett as a satellite sett as we did not get any footage of young cubs, yet there appear to be a number of youngsters that have started to appear now, sometimes in the afternoon at the quietest sett entrance.

We have wired cameras there, recording all the time, but this week, I set a couple of Bushnell trail cams there as well, as I wanted to capture some daylight clips of these individuals as I have not really managed to film many daylight badgers using these cameras before. I set the cameras quite close to the entrance. These individuals are in a garden, so used to human activity and I have a trail cam around there just about constantly. I set the Bushnell to just record in daylight. This would mean my card was not full of all of their night time activity as well…. I have plenty of clips of that!

I could see, from our wired cameras, that the badgers had been out quite a lot during the daylight hours; often early in the morning, just before it got dark at nigh, but also in the middle of the afternoon! I was excited to collect the cams and check the cards for footage. I was not disappointed! I captured some lovely clips of the female and her rather large and boisterous cubs. I was able to capture some stills from the video….

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I have uploaded a selection of clips from both the wired cams and the Bushnells to our Youtube Channel, but here are a selection of my favourites…

This clips was captured from the wired camera…

The the same scene from the Bushnell trail cam…

I also captured some lovely clips from the other sett entrance….

These badgers are feeding up at our feeding station as well and we are capturing some great footage there as well…

All of our footage is uploaded onto our YouTube Channel and linked to our website, so if you want to see more, head to those sites:

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