Are you ready for the AlfrescoWild Challenges?

Kate MacRae
I am best known as WildlifeKate, a wildlife enthusiast and educator who shares my passion for nature through various mediums. My work primarily focuses on connecting people with nature through technology, education, and media.
Wildlife Observation and Filming:
Camera Setups: I am renowned for my innovative use of cameras to capture live footage of wildlife.I set up a range of cameras in various locations, including bird feeders, nests, and wildlife habitats, providing viewers with a real-time glimpse into the lives of animals. I was the first to have filmed a wild badger give birth, in a sett I built, rigged with cameras. I love being creative with my set-ups, aiming to educate and engage with as many audiences as possible.
Live Streams: I frequently stream live footage from these cameras on my website and social media platforms, allowing a global audience to observe wildlife in their natural settings, as well as some more 'novel' set-ups.
Education and Outreach:
Blogs and Articles: I love writing about my wildlife observations, experiences, and the importance of conservation. My writings have featured on my website and in various publications
Education & Teaching: A qualified primary school teacher, I have taught for over 30 years, specialising in developing school grounds and curriculums to encourage both teachers and pupils to learn outdoors and to be connected to nature.
Workshops and Talks: I deliver educational workshops and gives talks at schools, wildlife events, and other venues. My sessions often focus on the importance of nature in our lives and show how I use technology to excite, enthuse and educate.
Media Appearances:
Television and Radio: I have frequently appeared on television, radio and podcasts to discuss wildlife and conservation topics, including how I capture the footage of wildlife from my plethora of cameras. Featuring on BBC Springwatch, Autumnwatch, Countryfile plus numerous other TV wildlife programmes, I hope my expertise, enthusiasm and engaging style make me a popular guest.
Social Media Presence: I actively share my wildlife footage, photos, and insights on platforms like Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube, where I has a many followers.
Conservation Efforts:
Habitat Creation: I love getting involved in creating and maintaining wildlife habitats, such as ponds, meadows, and woodlands, to support local biodiversity. I share these projects to inspire others to undertake similar projects, from tiny, simple projects, to larger ones.
Collaboration with Conservation Organisations: I often collaborate with various wildlife and conservation organisations to promote and support their efforts in protecting natural habitats and species and to advise on customer engagement projects using cameras.
Product Reviews and Recommendations:
Wildlife Products: I love trialling and reviewing products related to wildlife observation, such as cameras, feeders, and other equipment. I hope my reviews help people make informed decisions based on the kit being used in the field.
Ambassadorships & Collaborations:
I am currently an ambassador for Ordnance Survey, promoting nature and the outdoors
I have numerous collaborations with companies who want to showcase , review and trial their products in the field. Please contact me if you would like to discuss a collaboration with your product or you would like to work with me, or who have a wildlife project they would like to explore.
My work blends technology, education, and a deep love for nature to foster a greater appreciation and understanding of wildlife. I aim to inspire others to connect with the natural world and take an active role in conservation in their part of the world, whether it be a window box or a large garden. My recent relocation to a rural 3 acre site in South Wales will further facilitate my wildlife work and passion to connect people to the wildlife right on their doorstep

Filming for BBC Countryfile with Ellie Harrison

Filming for BBC Springwatch with Michaela Strachan

With Mike Dilger at BirdFair

Filming for BBC Countryfile with Ellie Harrison
I am hoping that I can use my experience and knowledge to encourage everyone to engage with the wonderful British wildlife that is right on our doorsteps. From live wildlife cameras, to fun wildlife challenges, I hope to help you discover the joys of our natural world and to show you how easy it is to do your little bit for nature.
I hope you enjoy sharing my wildlife journeys with me.