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Writer's pictureWildlifeKate

This week’s update so far…….

I hardly know where to start on this update as everything is happening at once in the garden and I just cannot keep up with all the action! With nesting activity in all five of my camera nest boxes, plus the jackdaws in the kestrel box, mice in mousecam and hedgehogs now adding to the gang, it really is Springwatch here in a big way!

I am also adding a lot of content to my main website and to save doubling up on information, I will be providing links on here, back to the images etc on my main site. A blog is great, but the information ‘disappears’ as new blogs are added and I want to be able to see the progress of nest boxes ‘at a glance’ which is easier on my website. Over the coming weeks, I will be adding pages on the main site for all of the nest boxes, aiming to try and show the major events in each. The plum tree nest box, partly due to its light position and the good quality camera inside, is producing really good images. For this reason, I have decided to try to document this one in a bit more detail… if I can manage to keep up! Check out the Plum tree nest box page on my website for more images and info about what is happening in this nest box over the coming months.

The oak tree nest box looks nearly finished, with the hair and soft interior being brought in now. This is also the case in the side box and the Discovery box…. I wonder who will lay first!

I set up a new mousecam at the weekend and I am thrilled with the images I am getting! I have set the wide-angle camera low to the ground and focused it quite close to try to achieve an intimate, mouse-eye view. Check out my live stream in the evenings to see this camera and take a look at my website to see some photos and a video of last night’s visitors.

The jackdaws have been spending most of the day at the oak tree kestrel nest box…. a lot of relaxing and lounging around… but this afternoon they did bring a small amount of material into the box. Sadly, I have seen nothing of my beautiful kestrel pair for nearly 2 weeks now and I do not think they will return now. I am hopeful for next year though. It would have been pretty amazing to have had them nest there in the first year I put the box up though!

My nesting dispensers have been emptying at a great speed… and there are some extremely luxurious nests in the WildlifeKate garden! I have been trying all week to get some shots and today I succeeded! Check out the nesting dispenser page on my site later to see the whole set of photos, but here is one as a taster….

Right, I am back to my website now, so do visit regularly to see what I have added. I try to put new additions in the ‘updates’ section so you know when it has been updated. Hope you are enjoying all the live cameras…. my technician at school kindly refurbished an old PC of mine, so I can get another 4 cameras working on that… I have 11 now and just can’t monitor them all on the 2 PCs I have.


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