Yesterday, I posted a blog post about two new feeding stations I have set up in my garden. These feeding stations live stream on my website and the cameras are cabled to a computer and to a piece of software called iCatcher Console. This software monitors the cameras 24-7. I can play back the activity and lift the footage. So, after a day at school, I was able to come back tonight to see if any birds had visited the new feeders. I was especially interested in the one that I mounted up on the wall opposite my office. The birds had not seen this one before, so I thought it may take a week or so for species to build up…. I was wrong! These images show the selection of species that visited today…

Great tit


Collared Dove



Great tit & Blue tit


Blue tit, Nuthatch & Great tit

Blue tit and Coal tit

Blue tit & Long -tailed tit

Blackbird… a rather tatty one!


Collared dove pair

A total of ten species! Not bad for day one!!
The other feeding station was dominated by finches; goldfinch mainly, but also chaffinch and greenfinch. A few visits from blue and great tits as well as the robin.

A great start to these new feeding stations. These cameras can be watched either on the home page of my website or by following the ‘Live Cameras’ link. Let me know if you see anything exciting on there!