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The Bumble Bee Trust at BBC Countryfile Live!

Had a great day at Countryfile Live Show at Blenheim Palace on Thursday, when I volunteered on the Bumble Bee Conservation Stand. The show was packed with activities, talks and demonstrations and the Wildlife Zone looked brill with representation from Wildlife Trusts to Butterfly Conservation to Bee Keepers to Buglife!

Catching up with friend, Gill Perkins, the CEO of the Bumble Bee Trust is always great and I was delighted to help out on the stand for the day.

We had lots of interest in the stand, especially from families. The set of dead bumble bees to look closely at and identify were a big hit with the kids and we had loads of youngsters completely fascinated! The scientist white coats, glasses and microscopes went down a treat. Thank you to all the parents who gave me permission to use photographs of their children getting involved.

These two really took the job seriously!!! It is great to enthuse kids about the world around them and empower them by explaining what they can do to really make a difference….

Lots of people picked up the excellent information from the Trust, all about what we can all do to help bumble bees in our own gardens by planting a range of plants that will offer food sources throughout the flight times. Check out the Bumble Bee Trust website for more information. It is packed with ID hints, planting ideas and information about these very special insects. Click on the image below to go straight to the website.

Thank you, Gill, for inviting me! I had a great day!

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