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Get the kids involved!

For those who don’t know, I am a primary school teacher and still teach 2 days a week in a Warwickshire primary school. This work is fundamental to my consultancy work, as it means I am very much in touch with what is happening in education and I also love the contact I still have with kids. Just before Christmas I did some work in school making some bird feeders and setting up a new feeding station outside a Year 1 classroom.  The children were extremely enthusiastic and love watching the wildlife that visits our school grounds. We are lucky enough to have quite rural grounds, so we attract quite a lot of birds. I wanted to share some of the photos I took on the day, as I feel that kids often don’t get enough chance to engage with wildlife and making bird feeders is a brilliant, fun and easy way of getting kids involved!

These photos show some of my great Year 6 pupils working with younger children in Year 1, to make some bird feeder garlands. These are fantastic to make with all ages of children and they look great when strung around trees and bushes.  All you need is some string and a darning needle and then a range of  ‘threadable’ foods, such as ring cereal, cheese, apple, bread and raisins.

As well as the garland feeders, we made some out of rice cakes…. simply smear with lard or suet and then press into a tub of bird seed, then hang up!

 We also made some fat mix with lard, seed and raisins. We then scooped out some apples and packed the mix into them……

So this weekend… get the kids involved and make some feeders ready for the next cold snap that seems to be coming our way!

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