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Cairngorms 2014: Time to head home

All good things must come to an end…. and my time in the stunning Cairngorms has come to an end and it was time to head back to the Midlands.  We just had to see if we could squeeze a few more shots of Red Squirrels in, so we headed back to Neil’s for a short time. After a little while, we welcomed a stunning individual,  who posed for us in the bursts of weak sunshine this morning.  These little beauties are such an amazingly rich colour and they look so healthy… you could see the shine on his coat and those ear tufts are stunning!

We grabbed a few shots of it at the feeding station before it headed back up into the trees….

The agility of these creatures is astounding… this one leapt and scaled the lichen-clad branches with ease and I snatched a few shots of it sitting in its natural landscape… 

It was time to go and to head back to the Midlands, after what has been a truly wonderful week!

I hope my blog has shown you what fantastic wildlife we have here in the UK and it has shown you the amazing landscape of the Cairngorm National Park and surrounding area. A big ‘Thank you’ to Andy Howard and Neil McIntyre for the sessions we had with them. Perhaps the biggest thanks goes to my good friend, Pete, who convinced me to ‘escape’ for a week and join him in this wonderful part of the country and for all the many miles he drove this week. I can’t thank him enough… watch out for his photos as he uploads them to his Flickr site and his website.

It will take me some time to work my way through all my images and process and upload them to my Flickr account. .. I have a feeling a couple are going to be printed up and will grace my walls in the coming months to remind me of this trip. I hope you have enjoyed following my journey and that it has inspired you to explore and photograph some of the amazing wildlife here in our own country :o)

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