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Bushnell Chambord 2011 Schedule!

I have been packing today for my trip off the France. It seemed very weird packing walking boots, trailcams etc in the same bag as an evening dress… a first for me!!

Tomorrow, I head off down to London to meet up with Barry Grubb, the Key Manager for Bushnell UK.  We are picking up some journalists on the way to a hotel where we stay before heading off to France. We are going across on the EuroStar…something I have not done before. I have flown and taken the ferry to France, but never the EuroStar. We then drive to a hotel near the Chateau de Chambord where our adventure begins!

The event is to showcase some of the Bushnell kit to the European market, so we will be using the trophy cams and the Backtrack, as well as some of their optics…. all very exciting! I am not going to say anything more…. watch out for my Twitter feed as I will tweet as often as I can… provided my phone works! I will be taking lots of photos and you can guarantee I will be writing all about it on my return! My cams will remain static until Wednesday night when I should get home in the evening. I will instruct the kids to fill the feeders and they did a pretty good job when I was in Shetland.

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