Just got back after a great first day at BirdFair. I arrived in Rutland early afternoon to beautiful weather… the rain had come the previous day, meaning the ground was rather damp in places, but the whole site was a hive of activity, as boxes, creates and kits were carried and set up all over the site.
I had a section of the JJ Vickers stand in the Optics Marquee to make my own and I came with a car load. After numerous trips backwards and forwards to the car, I was ready to start constructing… nothing on the scale of my huge stand at Gardeners’ World Live, but it was not long before I felt at home with a few feeders hanging up, some sieve feeders and a whisk nesting dispenser!
I always love going to shows like this before they open and seeing all the frantic building, debris and general mayhem… and next day you go in everything is tidy and organised! It is amazing what is achieved in a couple of days.
The weather forecast did look a little dodgy today, with a huge swathe of rain moving across the country. In fact, we only had a couple of showers and it turned into a lovely afternoon and evening. The crowds flocked in and there were lots of interested people who came to talk to me… and I do like a natter.
BirdFair is also a great place to network… it was good to meet Twitter friends old and new and catch up with some old friends.
I was all ready to upload a few shots from today… but then realised I had left my camera at the show…so some photos will follow later.
Looking forward to a busy day tomorrow :o)