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Otter, Badger and Nest Box news for Yew View

This week, after the excitement of putting the Barn Owl and Kestrel boxes up at Yew View, I wired in the cameras into the boxes so we can see what happens in there and whether we get any visitors. I also took a couple more photos of them in situ as the light was fading by the time we had finished last week. They look great and I just hope we have some residents very soon!

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Whilst down by the river, I checked on the Bushnell and the area it was pointing at, where we had found Otter sprint last week. I was thrilled to find another new sprint that looked pretty fresh. I hoped that the Bushnell had captured the footage as we have been waiting a long time to capture the otters on the trail cams!


As soon as I got home, I waded my way through the 350 clips on the card….. lots of rats, birds etc, but then I found what I was looking for….. video proof that we have otter at Yew View! But, we did not just capture one otter… we have TWO otters!!!

I have three clips and we think this may be a female and a cub. I have moved the trail cam a little closer now, so hopefully next week will give us some better footage as this is a little far away. Click on the cog and select HD to improve the quality of these clips. There are three clips within this playlist, so click ‘Play all’ to watch all three.

With our badger sett most definitely in use, as shown by our Bushnell footage, We decided to wire in a Vivotek camera to this site. This means we can watch and record the badgers’ coming and goings and, helpfully, record footage of any cubs this year!


This is a still from my iCatcher app on my phone, but I will be uploading our first footage from this camera as soon as I get it!


The Bushnell NatureView has shown us regular action by at least 2 individuals….

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Other news is that the tawnies are visiting up to 4 times a night to the box, but no commitment as of yet to actually lay. I am ever hopeful and check every day, on my phone, to see what has been happening! As the weeks go by now, Spring is definitely taking hold on site and everything is springing into life… it is all very exciting!

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