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Do my live cameras help you? An exciting new project!

A technology company in collaboration with the film production company Lonelyleap, are making a short film exploring how my wildlife live streams have positively impacted people’s lives. The film team is looking for a contributor (based in England) who, through age, disability or other reasons, aren’t able to engage in nature physically but are enriched by the connection to wildlife that my videos provide.


I have been live streaming a variety of live cameras for a number of years. Most of these are in my own garden, or at Yew View; a site I manage for wildlife. My work is all about enthusing and educating people about the wildlife right on their doorsteps and to give a window into a world that often goes unseen, such as views inside nest boxes and mammal boxes. Cameras on bird feeders also give me the opportunity to teach people about different species of birds that they might see and how they could attract them to their space.

The value of watching wildlife is now well documented. It has been found that every day encounters with birds and nature boosts the mood and general wellbeing. When we watch or get close to nature, we are more likely to then want to protect it. Noticing nature, whether that be the dew on the grass, the early morning song of a blackbird or the birds on the bird table helps us connect to the world and this leads to better sense of wellbeing. That 'noticing nature' may also come from watching live wildlife cameras, such as mine!

Most of us are lucky enough to be mobile and have opportunities to get outside and into nature. Many, however, are not so lucky. Illness, disability or different circumstances may mean that that nature 'dose' is really hard to achieve. Access to cameras such as mine, can make a real difference to people's lives and I have received many emails over the years, particularly during the Covid lockdown, to tell me how much solace and pleasure my cameras have brought... so could you help?

We would love to include other participants in the film; someone who is unable to access wildlife directly, due to age, disability or other circumstances, who regularly uses my cameras to boost their day and their mood!

For those selected to participate the commitment would be a half day filmed interview at home (or alternative location) alongside other captured live stream footage. Any expenses will be covered and a small sum will be paid as a thank you gesture. If you are, or know someone, who is unable to engage with nature directly, but are watching my cameras to enrich their lives and help their them get through their days, then please get in touch with me via email at

Enjoying my live cams?

Any donations, however small, towards my costs, are most welcome.


Thank you to these companies who regularly support my work

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