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In the Media

One Show Capture_converted

One Show Capture_converted

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The One Show

December 2019

Thank you to Chris & Megan who invited me to be the guest on their SIBC Show. My part is 9.56 mins in....

Television:  My work has featured on a number of wildlife programmes here in the UK

  • Channel 5 - Badgers- Their secret world (Sept 2023). Watch HERE

  • BBC Countryfile

  • BBC Countryfile Winter Diaries

  • BBC Countryfile Live

  • BBC Springwatch

  • BBC Autumnwatch

  • BBC Gardener's World

  • BBC Midlands Today

  • Channel 5 - Animals after dark

  • Julian Clary's Nature Nuts

  • The One Show

  • Self Isolating Bird Club with Chris Packham & Megan McCubbin

  • RSPB Big Garden Birdwatch - Interviewed and many of  my cameras featured on 5 days of live streams

Press: My work has appeared in a range of magazines and newspapers

  • Wildlife Trust Magazine

  • Mammal News

  • BBC Wildlife

  • Broadstreet & Tabloid press

Shows: I have exhibited and spoken  at a wide range of events, including;

  • BBC Gardener's World Live

  • BBC Countryfile Live

  • Wildshots

  • Scotland - The Big Picture Conference

  • BirdFair,  Rutland

Enjoying my live cams?

Any donations, however small, towards my costs, are most welcome.


Thank you to these companies who regularly support my work

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