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Group of Green Leaves

AlfrescoWild Challenge 

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Take Part in 30 Days Wild


30 Days Wild is UK's month-long nature campaign run by The Wildlife Trusts. 

30 Days Wild is all about re-connecting with the natural world around you and doing a little bit of good for wildlife.

This month's challenge is to do something 'Wild' every day for the whole of June! It could be anything from smelling a flower to watching the bird feeders. It could be taking a walk and listening to the birds, it could be drawing a picture of your favourite animal... anything to do with loving nature and the natural world!




There are  lots of great downloads and activities for you to download and print off . The diary one is perfect for keeping a track of your daily 'Random acts of Wild' 

Use these resources to help you take part!

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Click image to download

You can also download this Wild Password, with lots of ideas for your daily Act of Wildness!

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Click image to download

Visit the Wildlife Trust Website!

There are lots of ideas and activities on the Wildlife Trust website as well/ You can visit it HERE

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  • If you decide to have a go at this challenge, take some pictures or videos of your month

  • You can share with WildlifeKate, on the AlfrescoWild FB page, by clicking on the link below. or via Twitter

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