Are you ready for the AlfrescoWild Challenges?
AlfrescoWild Challenge
Take Part in 30 Days Wild
30 Days Wild is UK's month-long nature campaign run by The Wildlife Trusts.
30 Days Wild is all about re-connecting with the natural world around you and doing a little bit of good for wildlife.
This month's challenge is to do something 'Wild' every day for the whole of June! It could be anything from smelling a flower to watching the bird feeders. It could be taking a walk and listening to the birds, it could be drawing a picture of your favourite animal... anything to do with loving nature and the natural world!
There are lots of great downloads and activities for you to download and print off . The diary one is perfect for keeping a track of your daily 'Random acts of Wild'
Use these resources to help you take part!
Click image to download
You can also download this Wild Password, with lots of ideas for your daily Act of Wildness!
Click image to download
Visit the Wildlife Trust Website!
There are lots of ideas and activities on the Wildlife Trust website as well/ You can visit it HERE
If you decide to have a go at this challenge, take some pictures or videos of your month
You can share with WildlifeKate, on the AlfrescoWild FB page, by clicking on the link below. or via Twitter