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Silvertrees Woodland Cam
I am delighted to have been able to bring you this live woodland camera, from the Silver trees Holiday Park, in the heart of Cannock Case in Staffordshire. I have been undertaking camera work in this beautiful location for many years, thanks to owner, Trevor and my friend Rob Winstanley, who has a holiday home there.
This private site is set in the midst of Cannock Chase and almost a third of the site's 28 acres are devoted to woodland. The site is SSSI (a site of special scientific interest) and is home to a wide variety of wildlife. The resident fallow deer roam freely and the quiet location means that they come close to the resident's properties. Rob has put up numerous nest boxes and bat boxes, as well as creating many habitats within these extensive grounds. The site has been awarded Gold every year in the David Bellamy Conservation Awards.
This feeder is positioned on the edge of a copse and there are a number of small waterholes in the background. Birds, deer and fox can be seen drinking here. We should see a wide variety of woodland bird species, especially in the Autumn and winter months.
Rob and I have undertaken lots of trail cam work over the years and the captures from here remain some of my all time favourites. We have a little , private area, in the woods that we keep free of bracken and then set a camera when the Fallow does are due to have their fawns. These fawns are kept hidden until they are old enough to venture into the more open areas. The trail cameras have captured some truly incredible footage. Some of the deer are melanistic; they are a darker form of the more familiar pale brown spotted colouration of Fallow.
You can find out more about Silvertrees Holiday Park on their website, by clicking the image below.