When I checked my cameras this morning, I was surprised to see a hedgehog sleeping in the hedgehog feeding box! Yesterday some twitter followers said there was a hedgehog in my box at 8.30am… I can only presume it was the same one. It cannot have had a very good sleep as there is no bedding of any kind in there and there are two motion-sensored lights in there, so every time he moved, all the lights came on!

I have a couple of other hedgehog boxes in the garden, so decided to move him into one of those. I quietly went up the garden and slowly opened the box. It was a hedgehog larger than Lilac and Lilly that I had released some week ago. On gently lifting him out, I could see some white nail varnish on his front spikes…. it was Cassidy! This is the hedgehog I took to the Hedgehog Rescue as he was covered in mites and limping. He was looking just fine and felt a good weight.

I gently painted some tippex on his front spines for ID purposes….

I placed him in one of the other hedgehog boxes I have set up for hibernation/nesting. When I returned a little later, he was gone. Obviously, this box was not at pleasant as the feeding one!

At least he is still around and looking well!. Keep an eye out for hedgehogs on my night cameras… they usually appear after 10pm.