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Springwatch Appearance & Wildlife Trusts Event

It's always great when the work you do is recognised by the very programme that got you doing it in the first place! I have been lucky enough to feature on the programme on numerous occasions and my footage has sneaked its way in too.

Last week, Denis and I were delighted that our kestrel/hobby footage was shared on Springwatch. Although Denis does not 'live' at Stow Maries aerodrome (It is his place of work!), we were pleased to have the footage pushed out to a wider audience. The 6 chicks are now three, but all three are looking good and healthy and will soon fledge.

I was also asked to appear on a live Wildlife Trust event as part of the 30 Days Wild event for June. Talking about camera traps and filming wildlife, the panel consisted of me, Rob Williams, Stuart Edmunds and Kalyani Lodhia, all hosted by Hannah Stitfall.

It was a great hour which went really quickly with some lovely discussion between us all, who love using camera traps to monitor different wildlife in our locality.

You can catch up with the event here:


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