I returned from a few days away to find my nestbox empty….. I knew on Saturday when I left, that they would fledge this weekend and I must admit, I have been really sad that I actually missed their final departure. Thank goodness for i-catcher though, as at least I was able to watch the stills back and see what happened. I got some consolation from the fact that they started leaving at 5.30am…… I would not have seen them even if I had been at home!
Here are some shots summing up what happened…… the best I could find from a massive amount of footage on i-catcher!
5.30am: The first two chicks look out of the entrance hole and leave the nestbox.

5.41am: The third chick fledges and the parents continue to come in and feed all those still in the nestbox

…….five left to fledge………

5.55am: Two more fledge one, after the other….. now only three left!

6.15am: Chick five leaves……

6.16am: Chick six leaves……..

….. leaving one lonely little chick all on its own!

…. time ticked on….. seven o’clock came and went…. this little guy was probably the one squashed at the bottom underneath everyone else. He was enjoying the peace and quiet and a bit of space!…. another 25 minutes went by…….
7.27am: The final chick leaves the nestbox, an hour and a quarter after the last two!

A sad, empty nestbox remains…… I feel quite lost without these lives to follow. I have thoroughly enjoyed watching all the stages of their nest building, egg laying, incubation through to hatch and finally to fledge.

I am sorry that I did not get any shots of these fledglings in the open. By the time I had returned on Sunday evening, they were nowhere to be seen and it has been a dull and rainy day today. I will have a look tomorrow…. I don’t know if they stay around the area for long.
Now, I need to find another nest to follow…… watch this space!!!