If you have been on my website today, you will have noticed that my live stream now looks a little different. Last year, Wildlife Whisperer were kind enough to host my live stream. I am delighted to announce today that Nature’s Feast are my official sponsors for my live stream for the next year!

I have been using the Nature’s Feast feeders for a while and I have sung their praises on a number of occasions. I have been keen to work more closely with some companies as I am always full of ideas based on real trials in my garden. Nature’s Feast have been very receptive to my plans, ideas and crazy schemes I set up in the garden and they have been keen to support me and think of ways in which we could work together.
I am very excited about the coming year with Nature’s Feast and we have lots of exciting ideas for the coming months… ways in which I can work with them and hopefully build a relationship based on real people using these products in a range of gardens. It all kicks off next week when I am going to go up and visit their head quarters in E.Yorkshire…. a chance to find out why the company is the most advanced bird seed blender in Europe and the biggest in the UK. To add to the excitement, this is all happening on my birthday… I can’t imagine a more perfect birthday day out for me!!
So, watch this space for more exciting news reating to this partnership… and a big ‘Thank you’ again to all at Nature’s Feast.
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