I have had a great day in County Durham today, visiting two primary schools, with some great enthusiastic kids.
This morning Kirsty and I visited Delves Lane Primary in Consett. We started in the classroom where we talked about trail cams and the kind of wildlife we might be able to capture with one. The school has a small wildlife area and we decided to set up a couple of feeding stations that we could position the trail cams. With limited resources, we took some empty flower pots, upturned them and then the kids collected lots of grass, leaves and natural materials to camouflage the pot, yet provide a surface to place some food. Once we had completed the feeding station, the children then set up the trail cams facing these areas. They did a great job and we are hopeful that some good footage of the visitors will be captured.
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In the afternoon, we headed south to Gainford C of E Primary, a small school in a lovely village. I worked with a small group of children who were highly enthusiastic and interested in the trail cams and what they might cpature. They loved looking at some of my footage and were keen to learn about the different parts of the Bushnell and how all the different parts worked. They did some fantastic , labelled drawings of the units which I will be scanning in when I get home.

We then set the trail cam up in their wildlife area, close to a large rabbit hole that has appeared!

A massive thank you to the schools involved today and the fantastic kids!