I collected the Bushnell this morning as I had seen a jeep in the field at 10pm, near where I had put the camera. Rather strange and I am a bit concerned about what they might be doing at that time of night . The Bushnell caught them driving away only. I will keep an eye out for any further activity.
On uploading the footage, I was delighted to see a badger pass through… this field is only a couple of hundred metres from my office and I had no idea the badgers were travelling through this way. Great news and footage like this shows you why these trail cams are so superb for monitoring areas. I am going to set both cameras up tonight and put a peanut stash to try to get him to stop for a bit. I also got some more footage of the rabbits, but I knew they were there! Here is the footage I captured:
Male kestrel still around this morning. On speaking to Dave Culley of Sparrowhawk Island, he said that it is all looking very promising. The male will hang around now, guarding the nest site and things will start to hot up in the next week or so. Dave’s site is well worth a visit…. absolutely SUPERB footage of sparrowhawks and all sorts of others birds and wildlife. I am hoping to go and visit him really soon … he is achieving what I would like to achieve one day.
I also have the stock dove visiting the other kestrel nest box. They nested here last year. I will put some footage on later on if I have the chance.