Since, the first lockdown, Chris Packham and his step daughter, Megan McCubbin, have been creating shows and live streaming fab content on their Facebook page, the 'Self Isolating Bird Club' . A community of wildlife lovers has been built and their site is a place for people to share their wildlife experiences and chat with like-minded individuals.
Tonight, I was part of their weekly live show that is broadcast on YouTube...
As part of the show, I produced a little VT... all filmed on my phone!!
It was lovely featuring on the live stream and chatting all about all the work I do here, at YewView and at the various sites that I have live cameras. The show is recorded and you can catch up with it below:
With The RSPB Big Garden Birdwatch coming up next weekend, now is the time to get watching and feeding the birds if you don't already!

There is lots of information on the Lockdown Garden Birdwatch part of my website to help you!

Go to 'What's that bird?' where you will find interactive flashcards and quizzes to help you learn to ID our commonest species.
Then find out more about feeders i the 'What feeder?' section
I have also created a page all about the foods that I feed here in my garden in Lichfield, in the 'What food?' section.
When it comes to feeders, you can let your imagination go wild.... especially if you have kids! I have built feeders out of all sorts of things and it is great fun! So take a look at 'Make you own!' section!
Finally, if you would like to share what you are doing for the birds, with me, then I would love to feature you on my website! You can become a 'Lockdown Birdwatch Champ'! Just contact me with your images, videos or content and I'll pop it on. It's a great way to engage with youngsters and I love to showcase young people who are doing their bit for wildlife!
Don't forget, you can sign up for the RSPB Big Garden Birdwatch and join us next weekend on the RSPB YouTube channel, where some of my live cameras will be featuring! It's going to be a great weekend of viewing and, if the weather is anything like this week, then the cameras will be very busy!
