You may have been following the story of my new Mammal Box HD, where I have created little removable sets that slip inside the box, meaning I can change the environment that the mammals interact with. You can find out more about it by visiting my website page. On here are all the images, videos and the information about how I made it. Click the image below to find out more.

With Autumnwatch due at the end of October, I had the idea of creating an Autumnwatch scene, with the aim of getting the mice and voles to come in and look like they were guests on the show! Contacting Tina, from the Lichfield Dolls House Club, who has been working on this project with me, we discussed what might be possible. After much research and Google Image searches, we came up with some ideas of things that might be possible and Tina set to work.
This amazing creation is a testament to Tina’s fantastic skills….. the attention to detail is incredible and she made all the props here, even down to a cup of tea and tiny biscuits on the table!
We gave the set a few trail runs to get the camera position right and to see if the mammals would perform as we required them to…… they did!!

This camera view will be LIVE on my website for the duration of Autumnwatch; 28th – 31st October. Watch out for it on the show too… it may make an appearance!