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Badger Update

Writer's picture: WildlifeKateWildlifeKate

Thank you to all those who commented on yesterday’s badger blog via email, twitter and on WordPress. I had thought hard about actually blogging about this and including the rather disturbing photos, but in many ways I am pleased I did,  as I have learnt a lot from the experience. I have been in touch with Staffordshire Police and discovered there are a number of Wildlife Crime Officers in my area. They took my phone call  seriously and despite being pushed to the wire through cuts and workload, my local officer is coming to see me next week to discuss what I have reported and to see the photos I took. I must admit, I had not expected that.

I also got in touch with my local badger group and they were very pleased to receive the report and wished that everyone would report dead badgers as it helps them build up a picture of the population… both those that were actually killed by cars and those that have been illegally killed.

Sadly, it is too late for the two individuals I saw, but may be if we were all a little more vigilant and record incidents, then a better picture might emerge as to how common this practice actually is.

To finish on a more pleasant note, I am including some Bushnell footage I took that shows badgers as we should see them… behaving naturally… and having a jolly good scratch!!


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