Just a quick blog post to let my blog post readers know that I am delighted to have been asked to appear on Autumnwatch Live and Autumnwatch Unsprung tomorrow up at Leighton Moss.
There’ll be four live shows on BBC TWO from Tuesday 29th October until Friday 1st November, with Autumnwatch Unsprung on Friday, and a brand new live show, Autumnwatch Extra, on BBC Red Button and the Web from dawn to dusk each day. I will be appearing late morning tomorrow (Wed 30th) , possibly about 11am and then again at 5pm. I will then be joining Nick Baker on the sofa in Unsprung at 9pm.
I will be talking all about feeding the birds this winter and also talking about my Bird ID scheme and my dreams of making it a National Scheme so all our British School children learn how to ID common British birds! I will be testing the presenters and the audience too!
I have never visited Leighton Moss so I am really looking forward to it….. keep an eye out for me!