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Patio Robin Cam 2022

Last year, I had a pair of robins raise their family in an old ceramic teapot in the ivy. Sadly, the frost got the teapot and it cracked. I replaced it with this lovely woodstone robin nest box from CJ Wildlife. I popped it in the same place that the teapot had been as robins will often return to a previous nest spot and this quiet corner of my patio seems a popular spot.

I had not checked on it as I had had such a busy week, so was amazed to look just a week and a half later and see that there was. full nest completed! I set up a camera and gradually moved it closer over several days, so I could film and live stream their story.

These robins have been called Rosie and Lee (Rosie Lee is cockney rhyming slang for tea!) They successfully raised one family of 5 from the teapot, last year. 

Robin Timeline 2022

February 2021

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February 2022

II put up the new nest box

 Mid March 2022

Robin starts to lay

March 16th Started incubation

April 2022

Brood 2 lay  & incubation

Eggs due to hatch

Incubation period is around 13 days. Due to hatch around  29th March

Eggs hatch

Eggs hatch 31st March


2 chicks fledged 14th April

Teapot Robins 2021

I mounted a little ceramic teapot nester in the ivy outside my conservatory. It had been there about three years, with nothing taking any interest. In Feb, I noticed that there was moss in there and, on closer examination, realised that there was an almost complete nest in there! I was pretty sure it was a robin and a trail cam confirmed this.  I then set up a camera and gradually moved it closer and closer, ensuring it did not disturb her building. It is a beautiful nest and a lovely image on the camera. 

These robins have been called Rosie and Lee (Rosie Lee is cockney rhyming slang for tea!) They successfully raised one family of 5 from this teapot. Within just a few weeks, Rosie was adding nesting materials and she then incubated another 4 eggs. Sadly the nest was raided by a jackdaw.

Robin Timeline 2021

07 March_Building Nest_00001.jpg

I noticed that there was a nest being built in the teapot

 Mid March 2021

Robin starts to lay

March 23rd Started incubation

May 2021

Started incubation

Eggs due to hatch

Incubation period is around 13 days. Due to hatch around  5th April.

Due to hatch around  16th May

Eggs hatch

The eggs hatched on 6th April. Both male & feamle will feed the young, with the female brooding in between.


On the 19th & 20th April, all 5 chicks successfully fledged!

Teapot Robin YouTube Playlist 

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