Are you ready for the AlfrescoWild Challenges?
AlfrescoWild Challenge
Learn to ID British Butterflies
We have 59 species of butterfly in the UK. This challenge will help you learn some of the commonest.
We all know what a butterfly is, but how many of the most common species can YOU actually recognise and name?
This challenge will help you learn the species that you are most likely to see.
Learn the species
Below, there are 9 butterflies. Look at the picture, then click on the image. It will flip and tell you what the butterfly is and give a hint of what to look out for to help you recognise it in future.
Test Yourself
Images from Butterfly Conservation website
When you think you know them all, test yourself using this quiz. How quickly can you correctly ID all 9 butterflies?
Big Butterfly Count
Every year, Butterfly Conservation runs a big survey to find out more about the butterflies we are seeing. This year, the survey takes place between 17th July - 9th August. You can use your ID skills to take part!
Simply download the free app or the ID record sheet and watch for butterflies for 15 minutes. Fill in the species you see and submit your findings. You can do as many 15 minute surveys as you like, in different locations or in your garden.
Find out more about butterflies.....
Butterfly conservation have some fabulous resources if you would like to learn more about butterflies. All of these can be downloaded from their website or via the links below.
Identify butterflies & their caterpillars
Find out more about our commonest species
Keeping caterpillars at home
Learn about what to do to keep your own caterpillars
Learn about butterfly & moth life cycles
Learn about the life cycle of a butterfly & moth
Caterpillar Munch Box
What can you plant in your garden for caterpillars?
If you decide to have a go at this challenge, take some pictures or videos of your butterfly ID Quiz score or butterflies you see in your garden.
You can share with WildlifeKate, on Twitter or the AlfrescoWild FB page, by clicking on the link below.
Please check with a parent, if you want to share your project (unless you are an adult of course!!)